House System
House System
At Coorara Primary School there are 3 Houses – Cockatoo (Yellow), Rosellas (Red) and Kookaburras (Blue). Staff and students are assigned to a house.
The aim of the House System is to integrate our school values with mentoring, peer support, student well being and encouraging students to have interactions and friendships that transcent to different year groups while providing opportunities for student leadership.
The House structure is a combination of Heads of House, four House Leaders that are representatives from Years 5,6 and 7 and then two House representatives from reception to Year 5.
There is a House point system where students are awarded points for achieving learning goals based on the learner dispositions, showing evidence of our school values and on sports day.
Throughout the year the houses have regular House meetings to organise fundraising, whole school/ house activities and events.